
We service and repair MOST makes and models of Air Conditioning Systems, so rest assured we have the expertise in servicing, installing and repairing all major air conditioning brands both commercial and residential.

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The brands below are the most trusted manufacturers we prefer and recommend.


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Actron Air

As one of Australia’s most trusted names in air conditioning, Daikin can be found in homes, offices, hotels and shops across Australia and around the world. Daikin air conditioners offer superior quality, durability and energy efficiency, so you can climate control your home or business more effectively over the long term.

Daikin’s Split System Air Conditioning is approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice® program and is the only Split System Air Conditioning System that carries the blue butterfly symbol

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioners are world-leaders in reliability, quietness and energy efficiency, and proven performance in the tough Australian environment. They have a full range of systems to suit domestic, light commercial and multi-system applications

ActronAir take a highly sophisticated and intelligent approach to air conditioning design. Each of its single-phase, three-phase & digital air conditioners are specifically designed to handle Australian conditions.

From a house, small apartment to a multi-storey building, we have the air conditioning solution for your needs.